The impact of low-threshold methadone maintenance treatment on mortality in a Canadian setting

[Diffusé le 28-06-2016]

Source : Drug and alcohol dependence 2015; aop:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.08.037

Nolan, Seonaid; Hayashi, Kanna; Milloy, M.-J.; Kerr, Thomas; Dong, Huiru; Lima, Viviane Dias; Lappalainen, Leslie; Montaner, Julio; Wood, Evan.

Impact de l'accès à de la méthadone bas-seuil sur la mortalité dans le contexte canadien

Article commenté par : L'équipe éditoriale AddictoScope

En Amérique du Nord, sans traitement par méthadone, le risque de mort prématurée chez les usagers de drogues illicites est de 13 à 63 fois plus important qu’en population générale. Les bénéfices de la méthadone sur la réduction de l’usage de drogues illicites et sur l'adhérance dans le traitement ont été bien validés dans la littérature. Cependant, son impact sur la mortalité en fonction des modalités de délivrance reste à évaluer. Cette étude canadienne, réalisée sur 15 ans et incluant 2535 usagers injecteurs, a montré que la participation à un programme de métahdone à bas-seuil est significativement associée à une amélioration de la survie et à la réduction des dômmages associés à l’injection de drogues.


Background Methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) is among the most effective treatment modalities available for the management of opioid use disorder. However, the effect of MMT on mortality, and optimal strategies for delivering methadone are less clear. This study sought to estimate the effect of low-threshold MMT and its association with all-cause mortality among persons who inject drugs (PWID) in a setting where methadone is widely available through primary care physicians and community pharmacies at no cost through the setting's universal medical insurance plan.
Methods Between May, 1996 and December, 2011 data were collected as part of two prospective cohort studies of PWID in Vancouver, Canada, and were linked to the provincial vital statistics database to ascertain rates and causes of death. The association of MMT with all-cause mortality was estimated using multivariable extended Cox regression with time-dependent variables.
Results Of 2335 PWID providing 15027 person-years of observation, 511 deaths were observed for a mortality rate of 3.4 (95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 3.1–3.7) deaths per 100 person-years. After adjusting for potential confounders including age and HIV seropositivity, MMT enrolment was found to be associated with lower mortality (adjusted hazard ratio [AHR]=0.73, 95% CI: 0.61–0.88).
Conclusions While observed all-cause mortality rates among PWID in this setting were high, participation in low-threshold MMT was significantly associated with improved survival. These findings add to the known benefits of providing low-threshold MMT on reducing the harms associated with injection drug use.

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