Preference for brand-name buprenorphine is related to severity of addiction among outpatients in opioid maintenance treatment

[Diffusé le 28-06-2016]

Source : Journal of Addictive Diseases 2016; 35(2): 101-8

Philippe Binder MD, Nassir Messaadi MD, Marie-Christine Perault-Pochat PhD, Stéphanie Gagey MD, Yann Brabant MD & Pierre Ingrand PhD

a Department of General Practice, Faculty of Medicine, University of Poitiers, Poitiers, France
b Department of General Practice, Faculty of Medicine of Lille 2—University of Health and Law, Lille, France
c Clinical Pharmacology and Vigilances, INSERM CIC-1402, Faculty of Medicine, Poitiers, France
d Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, INSERM CIC-1402, Faculty of Medicine, Poitiers, France

CONTACT Philippe Binder Department of General Practice, University of Poitiers, Faculty of Medicine, 6 rue de la Miletrie, TSA 51115, Poitiers, 86073 France.

Relation idiosyncratique entre patients et MSO

Article commenté par : Dr Bertrand Lego

Quel MSO contenant de la buprenorphine utiliser ?

Vingt ans après la mise sur le marché du Subutex et dix ans après celle de la buprenorphine générique et malgré les incitations à délivrer le générique par l'assurance maladie, le constat est le suivant : le taux de pénétration du générique est faible. Il existe donc un frein important à la diffusion de la buprenorphine. Dans cette étude observationnelle de terrain, dans laquelle les pharmaciens d'officine sont impliqués, les auteurs émettent l'hypothèse de la relation particulière qui lie le patient et son médicament de substitution. En outre et encore d'après l'étude, les patients utilisant le princeps sont des patients qui présentent un comportement addictif, une consommation d'alcool et de médicament psychotropes plus important que les patients sous buprenorphine ou Suboxone.

Selon le tableau clinique et son expérience, le prescripteur choisira plus facilement le princeps ou le générique de la buprénorphine. Le passage de l'un à l'autre peut s'avérer problématique en terme de compliance et de mésusage. L'acceptation ou le refus de ce passage peut être également vu comme une stigmatisation de la population toxicomane qui refuse l'utilisation des médicaments génériques. 

Dans la grande négociation qui lie l'assurance maladie, les médecins prescripteurs et les pharmaciens dispensateurs sur le taux de substitution des médicaments génériques, le Subutex, ses génériques et la Suboxone, ont une place particulière. Cette étude et  ses conclusions devraient apporter un éclairage certain sur les choix obligés des médecins et des pharmaciens dans la délivrance des MSO. 


As a form of opioid maintenance treatment, high-dose buprenorphine is increasingly being used in the United States. On the French market since 1996, it is the most commonly prescribed and frequently employed opioid maintenance treatment. For unknown reasons, the brand-name form is used far more often than the generic form (76–24%). The objective was to show that the patients' levels of addiction were differentiated according to the form of buprenorphine currently being used and to their previous experience of a different form. An observational study in 9 sites throughout France used self-assessment questionnaires filled out in retail pharmacies by all patients to whom their prescribed buprenorphine treatment was being delivered. The 151 canvassed pharmacies solicited 879 patients, of whom 724 completed the questionnaires. Participants were statistically similar to non-participants. The patients using the brand-name form subsequent to experience with the generic form exhibited a more elevated addiction severity index and a higher dosage than brand-name form users with no experience of a different form. Compared to generic users, their doses were higher, their was addiction more severe, and their alcohol consumption was more excessive; they were also more likely to make daily use of psychotropic substances. However, the level of misuse or illicit consumption was similar between these groups. Preferring the brand-name buprenorphine form to the generic form is associated with a higher level of severe addiction, a more frequent need for daily psychotropics, and excessive drinking; but the study was unable to show a causal link.

Keywords: Buprenorphineopiate substitution treatmentgenericprescription drug misuse

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