Actualités cliniquesDernière mise à jour du site : le Vendredi 17 mai 2024

Addictions aux opiacés  Article original (Full-text) | Publié le 17-05-2024
  Muller, Megan BA et al. | Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 2023; 95(2): 226-33
Amid an unrelenting opioid epidemic, opioid-related morbidity and mortality in the United States continue to rise. Overdose deaths have risen by 60% between 2019 and 2021, with more than 80,000 opioid overdose deaths estimated in 2021.1 However, it has been estimated that 86.6% of individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD) in 2019 were not receiving evidence-based treatment, which includes medications...

Autres addictions  Article original (Full-text) | Publié le 17-05-2024
  del Palazio-Gonzalez, Adriana et al. | Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment 2024; AOP:10.1016/j.josat.2024.209354
Despite high rates of relapse after treatment for drug use, to our knowledge there is no systematic literature identifying psychological factors that predict risk of relapse to drug use (excluding alcohol or tobacco). Our aim was to identify psychological factors that predict risk of relapse to drug use after enrollment in drug use treatment. The identification of such factors can support treatment...

Le point de l'expert  Article original (Full-text) | Publié le 03-05-2024 | Commenté par : Dr Emmanuel GROSS
  Cazalis, Anthony et al. | Drug and alcohol dependence 2023; 9(December 2023): 100196  |  Stigmatization of people with addiction by health professionals: Current knowledge. A scoping review
La stigmatisation des personnes souffrant de troubles liés ou non à l’usage de substances est un phénomène connu de longue date. Une revue de la littérature a été conduite avec l'objectif de d'évaluer la stigmatisation, par les professionnels de santé, des personnes atteintes de troubles liés ou non à l’usage...

Addictions aux opiacés  Article original (Full-text) | Publié le 19-04-2024
  Cherian, Teena et al. | Drug and alcohol dependence 2024; AOP:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2024.111274
Non-fatal overdose is a leading predictor of subsequent fatal overdose. For individuals who are incarcerated, the risk of experiencing an overdose is highest when transitioning from a correctional setting to the community. We assessed if enrollment in jail-based medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) is associated with lower risk of non-fatal opioid overdoses after jail release among individuals...

Autres addictions  Article original (Full-text) | Publié le 19-04-2024
  Makenna N Gomes et al. | Nicotine & tobacco research 2024; aop: 10.1093/ntr/ntae060
The current study sought to examine trends in indicators of dependence for youth vaping and smoking during a period of rapid evolution in the e-cigarette market. Data are from repeat cross-sectional online surveys conducted between 2017 and 2022 among youth aged 16-19 in Canada, England, and the USA. Participants were 23,145 respondents who vaped and/or smoked in the past 30 days. Four dependence indicators...

Actualités congrès  Synthèse | Publiée le 05-04-2024
  Dr Julien CABE
Dans cette session plénière présidée par le Pr lcro MAREMMANI (Pise) et le Pr Marc AURIACOMBE (Bordeaux), les orateurs venant de plusieurs pays du globe, et de plusieurs continents, ont présenté les enjeux, le contexte et la réalité clinique de la mise en place de la buprénorphine d’action prolongée dans leurs pays respectifs. Le...

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